Transferability and evaluation guide


The transferability and evaluation guide is an eBook (which can be downloaded from this page) containing two relevant topics:

  • Relevant information about the use of the developed tool in different subjects or different fields of education.
  • Transfer of the developed tools (as best practice examples) to other subjects and the evaluation of this transfer.

Evaluation and Transferability Guide

Here you can download the transferability and evaluation guide. This guide explains the correct implementation of ACAT tools in various environments and how to evaluate the new created tools.

Tool Evaluation by Learners

The evaluation of the tools has been done using questionnaires. These questions focused on the feedback of learners and the emotional feeling after working with the tools.

  • The tool was easy to use and work with.
  • This type of tool makes it more convenient to familiarize yourself with this specific and complex subject.
  • The tool helped me understand a specific and complex topic.
  • The tool sparked my interest in a specific and complex topic.
  • I can imagine using the tool for review and reflection.
  • The comparison of a known everyday situation with a complex scientific topic made it easier to understand.

The graphics visualize efficiently that the developed tools were well appreciated and that the learners see an added value in using these tools.

The learners appreciated the easy use of the tools.

Learners like these kinds of tools.

The tools helped in the understanding.

The tools helped the majority of learners in their learning and to make curious.

The majority sees an added value of the tools for review and reflection of the content.

The tools helped the majority of learners to understand the content.